
Trip to Yercaud

How's your day going my dear friends? The summer vacation is coming to an end...It passed quickly as a blink of an eye, right? OK...Here is my post about my fantabulous trip to Yercaud. YERCAUD - A TOURIST SPOT Yercaud is a beautiful town and a hill station in Salem district in Tamil Nadu, India. Located in the Shevaroy Hills of the Eastern Ghats, it stands at an altitude of 1515 meters (4970 feet). The town gets its name from the beautiful lake located at its center. In Tamil, "Yeri" means lake, and Kaadu means "Forest". GETTING READY FOR THE TRIP We woke up by 4.30 in the morning. Brushing, bathing, and dressing were done and we were ready for the trip. We started around 6.30 by car. After three hours of driving in the traffic, we reached Yercaud. The journey began with a scenic drive up the roads of the Shevaroy Hills. There were about 20 hairpin bends, each with a more stunning landscape than the last. We saw a group of jackfruit trees, coffee plants, and mi

Basic vs Advanced english

Hey guys. Read the paragraph given below. This was the incident that happened yesterday. As usual, I went to Badminton class by my cycle. I played well and enjoyed the time. After the class, many of my friends left the class with their parents. My best friend Mrithun and I were left in the class. When we began to do the relaxing exercises, it suddenly started to drizzle which we didn't expect. I decided to go home immediately before it starts to rain. Cycling so fast, I reached my house. Once I went in, it was pouring down. I couldn't believe that I escaped because of my luck. Now read the same incident with different words and phrases. Yesterday was a challenging day. I had a ball in my badminton class. My best friend Mrithun was only left with me after the class as the others went home with their parents. He was waiting for his parents to come and pick him up. We both were talking about a bunch of things meanwhile it started to drizzle. I made up my mind to go home in a hea

Give work to your brain

Hello friends. My exams are over and summer vacation started on 11th march. My exams are getting tougher and tougher, and I couldn't concentrate on anything other than studies. Next, I am going to Grade 9. In this summer vacation I should enjoy a lot as the next four years of my life will be only on studies. To get relief from stress and to be physically fit, I have joined Badminton class two months ago.  REASONING Try to answer these questions. 1. A is the son of C; C and Q are sisters; Z is the mother of Q and P is the son of Z. Which one of the following statements are true?     A) P and A are cousins.     B) Q is the maternal grandfather of A.     C) P is the maternal uncle of A.     D) C and P are sisters. 2. Pointing to Aanya, Rohit says, "She is the only daughter of my father's mother-in-law". How is Aanya related to Rohit?       A) Mother       B) Aunt      C) Sister      D) Sister-in-law  3. How many even numbers are there in the given series each of whi


THE REASON WHY I DIDN'T POST ANYTHING IN MY BLOG FOR MANY DAYS Hi guys welcome back. It's been a long gap, right? Yes. Now, I am studying 8th grade. So, I can't spend time on anything except studies. I just finished the quarterly exam. It was so hard. Ok Ok, just leave that. Now I am on holidays from September 30th to October 9. Let's see how I am spending the time. WHAT DO I DO? I was spending time by reading magazines, learning tables, doing sums on maths and playing till 3rd October. 4th and 5th of this month I don't know how the time passed as it was the final days of Navaratri. I went to temple,chanted mantra and did many devotional works. Now just a few days left for the end of my vacation.  A PUZZLE FOR YOU Try to solve this puzzle and share your answer in the comment box.I will mention the right answer in the next post. CONCLUSION Now we came to the end of the post. See you guys on the next post. Adios amigos. NOTE: 'Adios Amigos' is the Spanish word

My Valparai trip for the second time Part-2

Hey guys. This is Part-2 of my journey. GOING TO THE RIVER We were walking in the Sloppy path between the tea plants. We were aware of the leeches. So, we walked carefully and kept watching for leeches in our shoes. To reach the river finally, we need to cross a muddy grass path. We crossed and checked our shoes. We were shocked to find that everyone's shoes is with leeches. We took a stick and picked the leeches. I was so nervous. We saw the river for a moment and walked the same way to the resort.  EVENING At 6 pm we went to the playing area and played Carrom board and Ludo. We spent the time by just taking photos and walking around the resort. We had our dinner and played a match of UNO cards. By 10 pm we went to bed.   THE NEXT DAY We woke up earlier than usual and drank our coffee. We checked out by 11 am. After driving about an hour, we went to a Vinayaka temple. NALLAMUDI VIEWPOINT We reached a view point called Nallamudi view point. In this view point we can only see fog ar

My Valparai trip for the second time Part-1

Hey guys, welcome to my blog. I went to Valparai in 2017. To read click➡ I went again a few days ago❗ This trip was a lot more enjoyable than the previous trip. This was a 2 days trip.. DATE: 15th and 16th of May 2022 GETTING READY I Woke up at 5:30 a.m. I was too excited. I brushed my teeth, took bath, wore dress and got ready. We started our journey in Toyota, Innova at 7 am.  ALIYAR DAM We drove 35 miles to reach Aliyar Dam.  We climbed up a lot of steps to reach the top of the dam. The view was amazing. We took lot of photos. We came down and saw some monkeys leaping across the trees. VALPARAI MOUNTAIN We started driving towards a resort which was at the top of the mountain. It was joyful while going through the 40 hairpin bends. It was getting colder and colder. I saw many species of tress and plants. By 1 pm we reached the resort. THE RESORT The name of the resort is STANMORE. We drove another 10 miles to reach here. The temperature was below 20

Some Awesome Facts

Hello my friends.. Today I am going to share some Fantastic Facts that lot of you don't know. Are you ready?? Let's begin❗ 1.Maharashtra,India is the wettest place on the earth. 2.The Spanish national anthem has no words. 3.The U.S flag was designed by Robert Heft. 4.A cloud in the sky weighs about 5,00,000 kg. 5.There are about 100 lightnings per second worldwide. 6.An adult's blood vessels can stretch up to 1,00,000 km [62miles] 7.A snail has 20,000 teeth.  8.A leech has 32 brains. 9.Koala bears have fingerprints that are similar to us. 10.Butterflies taste with their feet. 11.The Great Basin Bristlecone pine tree in California ,U.S is living over 5,000 years. 12.A Glass bottle takes one million years to decompose. Today, I hope you guys enjoyed reading these facts. Before ending I would like to say I have started my blog an year ago. My first post was published on 11 May 2021. Do checkout here➡ Thank You for you